Vlc Player Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

See also: Documentation:Hotkeys and How to set global hotkeys

VLC Media player shortcuts are great for saving you some time. You can perform several actions without even moving your mouse or clicking on the menu buttons. The hotkeys are great for quick video playback actions. Just hit the shortcut keys and see the resulting action instantly. Keyboard Shortcuts for VLC. VLC player supports a wide range of keyboard shortcuts which makes using it very easier. If you didn’t know them already this is a good time to learn some of the most common and useful keyboard shortcuts for VLC player. There are a lot of of shortcuts that you didn’t know about.

This page is just a reminder of what the keyboard hotkeys are in the Qt4 Interface.

FToggle fullscreen
ESCLeave fullscreen/close dialogue
=Normal rate
]Faster (fine)
[Slower (fine)
NNext track
PPrevious track
Shift + Left ArrowJump 5 seconds back
Shift + Right ArrowJump 5 seconds forward
Alt + Left ArrowJump 10 sec. back
Alt + Right ArrowJump 10 sec. forward
Control + Left ArrowJump 1 minute back
Control + Right ArrowJump 1 minute forward
Control + Alt + Left ArrowJump 5 minutes back
Control + Alt + Right ArrowJump 5 minutes forward
ENext frame1.0 and over
EnterSelect menu entry (DVD)
ArrowsNavigate menus (DVD)
Shift + MDisc menu
Shift + OTitle prev
Shift + BTitle next
Shift + PChapter prev
Shift + NChapter next
Ctrl + QQuit
Ctrl + Up ArrowVolume up
Ctrl + Down ArrowVolume down
HSubtitle delay up
GSubtitle delay down
Shift + Hhistory forward Subtitle sync / bookmark audio timestamp
Shift + JSubtitle sync / bookmark subtitle timestamp
Shift + KSubtitle sync / synchronize audio & subtitle timestamps
Ctrl + Shift + KSubtitle sync / reset audio & subtitle synchronization
KAudio delay up OR next subtitle-track (or none) (??????????????)
JAudio delay down
BCycle audio track
Shift + ACycle audio device
Alt + Vvideo menu Cycle subtitle track in reverse orderEnglish translation
VCycle subtitle track
Shift + VToggle subtitles
XCycle next program Service ID
Shift + XCycle previous program Service ID
ACycle aspect ratio
CCycle cropping ratio
Ooriginal video size toggle autoscalingpads video by adding black borders
Alt + OIncrease scale factor
Alt + Shift + ODecrease scale factor
Dcycle deinterlace filters Toggle deinterlacing
Shift + DCycle deinterlace modes
Iinterface show Show controller in fullscreen
Shift + SSnapshot
Shift + RRecord
Zcycle zoom Zoom
Shift + ZUn-zoom
WWallpaperonly works with video output DirectX
Alt + RCrop one pixel from the top of the video
Alt + Shift + RUncrop one pixel from the top of the video
Alt + DCrop one pixel from the left of the video
Alt + Shift + DUncrop one pixel from the left of the video
Alt + CCrop one pixel from the bottom of the video
Alt + Shift + CUncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video
Alt + FCrop one pixel from the right of the video
Alt + Shift + FUncrop one pixel from the right of the video
Lloop Normal/loop/repeat
Page UpShrink the viewpoint of view (360 °)
Page DownExpand the viewpoint of view (360 °)
Alt + 11:4 quarter
Alt + 21:2 half
Alt + 31:1 original
Alt + 42:1 double
Ctrl + F1Set playlist bookmark 1
Ctrl + F2Set playlist bookmark 2
Ctrl + F3Set playlist bookmark 3
Ctrl + F4Set playlist bookmark 4
Ctrl + F5Set playlist bookmark 5
Ctrl + F6Set playlist bookmark 6
Ctrl + F7Set playlist bookmark 7
Ctrl + F8Set playlist bookmark 8
Ctrl + F9Set playlist bookmark 9
Ctrl + F10Set playlist bookmark 10
F1Play playlist bookmark 1
F2Play playlist bookmark 2
F3Play playlist bookmark 3
F4Play playlist bookmark 4
F5Play playlist bookmark 5
F6Play playlist bookmark 6
F7Play playlist bookmark 7
F8Play playlist bookmark 8
F9Play playlist bookmark 9
F10Play playlist bookmark 10
Ctrl + WClear the playlist
Ctrl + 0Reset subtitles scale
Ctrl + Mouse wheel upScale down subtitles text
Ctrl + Mouse wheel downScale up subtitles text
Ctrl + AAdvanced controls
Ctrl + BBookmarks
Ctrl + COpen capture device
Ctrl + DOpen disc
Ctrl + EExtended settings
Ctrl + FOpen Folder/Directory
Ctrl + HHide/show menusa.k.a Minimal view, like in Acrobat Reader
Ctrl + IMedia Information
Ctrl + JCodecs Information
Ctrl + LHide/Show playlist
Ctrl + MMessages
Ctrl + NOpen network stream
Ctrl + OOpen File
Ctrl + PPreferences
Ctrl + RConvert/Save
Ctrl + SStreaming
Ctrl + TGoto Time
Ctrl + UDock/Undock playlist
Ctrl + VPaste Location/Paste MRL
Ctrl + Shift + WVLM configurator
Ctrl + XLoad playlist
Ctrl + YSave playlist
Shift + GHistory back[Please check this]
Alt + AAudio menuEnglish translation
Alt + HHelp menuEnglish translation
Alt + IView menuEnglish translation
Alt + LPlayback menuEnglish translation
Alt + MMedia menuEnglish translation
Alt + STools menuEnglish translation
Alt + Ttools menu Subtitle menuEnglish translation
This page is part of official VLC media player Documentation (User Guide • Streaming HowTo • Hacker Guide • Modules)
Please read the Documentation Editing Guidelines before you edit the documentation
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Retrieved from 'https://wiki.videolan.org/index.php?title=QtHotkeys&oldid=57860'

VLC Media player shortcuts are great for saving you some time. You can perform several actions without even moving your mouse or clicking on the menu buttons. The hotkeys are great for quick video playback actions. Just hit the shortcut keys and see the resulting action instantly.

Here are the shortcuts and hotkeys of VLC Media Player:

File Operations

CTRL + O : Open a single file
CTRL + SHIFT + O : Open multiple files
CTRL + F : Open folder
CTRL + D : Open disk
CTRL + N : Open network stream
CTRL + C : Open capture device
CTRL + V : Open location copied in the clipboard
CTRL + R : Convert and save file
CTRL + S : Stream your media locally or on the internet

Program Operations

CTRL + Q or ALT + F4 or ALT + Q : Quit
CTRL + E : Open the adjustment and effects menu
CTRL + SHIFT + W : VLM Configuration
CTRL + M : Open the message screen
CTRL + P : Open the preferences menu
F1 : Help
SHIFT + F1 : About

Playing Operations

SPACE : Play and Pause a file
N : Next Track
P : Previous Track
F or F11 or Mouse Double Click : Full screen mode on and off
CTRL + H : Switch minimal interface on and off
T : Show current and remaining time information
CTRL + T : Go to a specific time of a playing media
P : Go and play from the start of a file
S : Stop movie
Esc : Full screen exit
E : Switch to next frame
L : Loop off, one or all
R : Random on and off


G : Decrease subtitle delay
H : Increase subtitle delay
V : Cycle through subtitles

Playing Speed

[ : Decrease playing speed
] : Increase playing speed
= : Normal playing speed

Quick Forward and Backward

SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW : 3 seconds forward
SHIFT + LEFT ARROW : 3 seconds backward
ALT + RIGHT ARROW : 10 seconds forward
ALT + LEFT ARROW : 10 seconds backward
CTRL + RIGHT ARROW : 1 minute forward
CTRL + LEFT ARROW : 1 minute backward


Vlc Shortcut On Desktop

Display Options

A: Cycle aspect ratio
C : Cycle through crop display area
Z : Cycle through zoom mode
D : Deinterlace On and Off
O : Switch to original size of the video
W : Wallpaper mode on (with DirectX output)

Sound and Audio Operations

Download Vlc Player For Mac

CTRL + UP ARROW or Mouse Scroll Up : Volume Up
CTRL + DOWN ARROW or Mouse Scroll Down : Volume Down
J : Decrease audio delay
K : Increase audio delay
B : Cycle through available audio tracks
M : Mute sound on and off
Shift + A : Cycle through audio devices

Media Information

CTRL + I : View and edit media information like title, artist, album
CTRL + J : View codec information like your media dimensions, audio and video codecs

Playlist Operations

CTRL + L : Switch to playlist or back to media
CTRL + Y : Save current playlist to a file
CTRL + B : Create, delete and clear bookmarks menu.

Disc Operations

Shift + B : Next title
Shift + O : Previous title
Shift + N : Next chapter
Shift + P : Previous chapter
Shift + M : Disk Menu
Shift + H : History forward
Shift + G : History back


Shift + R : Start and stop recording
Shift + S : Take snapshot
ALT + C : Crop from bottom
ALT+ SHIFT + C : Uncrop from bottom
ALT + D : Crop from left
ALT + SHIFT + D : Uncrop from left
ALT + F : Crop from right
ALT + SHIFT + F : Uncrop from right
ALT + R : Crop from top
ALT + SHIFT + R : Uncrop from top

File Menu Operations

ALT + M : Open media menu
ALT + L : Open playback menu
ALT + A : Open audio menu
ALT + V : Open video menu
ALT + S : Open subtitle menu
ALT + O : Open tools menu
ALT + I : Open view menu
ALT + H : Open help menu

* Hit the subsequent underlined character of menu item name after opening menu items using the above file menu operation shortcuts. This will open the sub menu. If the same character is underlined for several sub menu items, hit those characters multiple times to navigate to the correct one. Then hit enter to open it.

* You can also learn how to edit these shortcuts to fit your preference.