Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker

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  3. Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Real-time
  4. Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Free
Fern wifi cracker with geographical location mac address tracker real-time

802.11 Wireless Tools

Step 2: After that click on Wireless Attack and then Choose Fern Wifi Cracker. Step 3: Hope you have successfully Launched “Fern Wifi Cracker”, after that click on “Tool Box”. Step 4: Now Click on ” Geolocatry Locator” and then Write the mac address in the box and Click on “Track”.

  • Fern: crack WiFi in minutes! Fern is a tool to discover weaknesses in a network. It uses aircrack-ng behind the scenes to achieve this. The best feature of Fern is its excellent GUI written in Python-Qt4.
  • WiFi Cracker Software can be used to hack through all sorts of wireless networks in and around your location. Discover the flow of network traffic, find out lost keys, restore last used passwords, identify network host and unlock all kinds of wireless networks using.


aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK key cracking program.It can recover the WEP key once enough encrypted packets have been captured with airodump-ng. This part of the aircrack-ng suite determinesthe WEP key using two fundamental methods. The first method is via thePTW approach (Pyshkin, Tews, Weinmann). The main advantage of the PTWapproach is that very few data packets are required to crack the WEPkey. The second method is the FMS/KoreK method. The FMS/KoreK methodincorporates various statistical attacks to discover the WEP key anduses these in combination with brute forcing.

Additionally, the program offers a dictionary method for determiningthe WEP key. For cracking WPA/WPA2 pre-shared keys, a wordlist (file orstdin) or an airolib-ng has to be used.


Actively recover LEAP/PPTP passwords


Bully is a new implementation of the WPS brute force attack, written in C. It is conceptually identical to other programs, in that it exploits the (now well known) design flaw in the WPS specification. It has several advantages over the original reaver code. These include fewer dependencies, improved memory and cpu performance, correct handling of endianness, and a more robust set of options. It runs on Linux, and was specifically developed to run on embedded Linux systems (OpenWrt, etc) regardless of architecture.

Bully provides several improvements in the detection and handling of anomalous scenarios. It has been tested against access points from numerous vendors, and with differing configurations, with much success.


Implementation of an offline dictionary attack against WPA/WPA2 networks using PSK-based authentication (e.g. WPA-Personal). Many enterprise networks deploy PSK-based authentication mechanisms for WPA/WPA2 since it is much easier than establishing the necessary RADIUS, supplicant and certificate authority architecture needed for WPA-Enterprise authentication. Cowpatty can implement an accelerated attack if a precomputed PMK file is available for the SSID that is being assessed.


EAP-MD5 is a legacy authentication mechanism that does not provide sufficient protection for user authentication credentials. Users who authenticate using EAP-MD5 subject themselves to an offline dictionary attack vulnerability. This tool reads from a live network interface in monitor-mode, or from a stored libpcap capture file, and extracts the portions of the EAP-MD5 authentication exchange. Once the challenge and response portions have been collected from this exchange, eapmd5pass will mount an offline dictionary attack against the user’s password.


Fern Wifi Cracker is a Wireless security auditing and attack software program written using the Python Programming Language and the Python Qt GUI library, the program is able to crack and recover WEP/WPA/WPS keys and also run other network based attacks on wireless or ethernet based networks.

Fern Wifi Cracker currently supports the following features:

  • WEP Cracking with Fragmentation,Chop-Chop, Caffe-Latte, Hirte, ARP Request Replay or WPS attack

  • WPA/WPA2 Cracking with Dictionary or WPS based attacks

  • Automatic saving of key in database on successful crack

  • Automatic Access Point Attack System

  • Session Hijacking (Passive and Ethernet Modes)

  • Access Point MAC Address Geo Location Tracking

  • Internal MITM Engine

  • Bruteforce Attacks (HTTP,HTTPS,TELNET,FTP)

  • Update Support


Generates lookup file for asleap


WPA-PSK precomputation attack


GISKismet is a wireless recon visualization tool to represent data gathered using Kismet in a flexible manner. GISKismet stores the information in a database so that the user can generate graphs using SQL. GISKismet currently uses SQLite for the database and GoogleEarth / KML files for graphing.


Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and (with appropriate hardware) can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, and 802.11n traffic. Kismet also supports plugins which allow sniffing other media such as DECT.

Kismet identifies networks by passively collecting packets and detecting standard named networks, detecting (and given time, decloaking) hidden networks, and infering the presence of nonbeaconing networks via data traffic.

Kismet supports logging to the wtapfile packet format (readable by tcpdump and ethereal) and saves detected network information as plaintext,CSV, and XML. kismet is capable of using any GPS supported by gpsd andlogs and plots network data.


MDK is a proof-of-concept tool to exploit common IEEE 802.11 protocol weaknesses.


Wifi injection ARP answering tool based on Wifitap


Wifi injection DNS answering tool based on Wifitap


This script creates five monitor mode interfaces, four are used as APs and the fifth is used for airodump-ng. To make things easier, rather than having five windows all this is done in a screen session which allows you to switch between screens to see what is going on. All sessions are labelled so you know which is which.


Wifi injection based answering tool based on Wifitap


Wifitap is a proof of concept for communication over WiFi networks using traffic injection.

Wifitap allows any application do send and receive IP packets using 802.11 traffic capture and injection over a WiFi network simply configuring wj0, which means :

  • setting an IP address consistent with target network address range

  • routing desired traffic through it

In particular, it’s a cheap method for arbitrary packets injection in 802.11 frames without specific library.

In addition, it will allow one to get rid of any limitation set at access point level, such as bypassing inter-client communications prevention systems (e.g. Cisco PSPF) or reaching multiple SSID handled by the same access point.


An automated wireless attack tool. To attack multiple WEP, WPA, and WPS encrypted networks in a row. This tool is customizable to be automated with only a few arguments. Wifite aims to be the “set it and forget it” wireless auditing tool.


  • sorts targets by signal strength (in dB); cracks closest access points first

  • automatically de-authenticates clients of hidden networks to reveal SSIDs

  • numerous filters to specify exactly what to attack (wep/wpa/both, above certain signal strengths, channels, etc)

  • customizable settings (timeouts, packets/sec, etc)

  • “anonymous” feature; changes MAC to a random address before attacking, then changes back when attacks are complete

  • all captured WPA handshakes are backed up to wifite.py’s current directory

  • smart WPA de-authentication; cycles between all clients and broadcast deauths

  • stop any attack with Ctrl+C, with options to continue, move onto next target, skip to cracking, or exit

  • displays session summary at exit; shows any cracked keys

  • all passwords saved to cracked.txt

  • built-in updater: ./wifite.py -upgrade

Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Google

Bluetooth Tools


Bluelog is a simple Bluetooth scanner that is designed to essentiallydo just one thing, log all the discoverable devices in the area. It isintended to be used as a site survey tool, identifying the number ofpossible Bluetooth targets there are in the surrounding environment.


BlueMaho is GUI-shell (interface) for suite of tools for testing security of bluetooth devices. It is freeware, opensource, written on python, uses wxPyhon. It can be used for testing BT-devices for known vulnerabilities and major thing to do – testing to find unknown vulns. Also it can form nice statistics.


  • scan for devices, show advanced info, SDP records, vendor etc

  • track devices – show where and how much times device was seen, its name changes

  • loop scan – it can scan all time, showing you online devices

  • alerts with sound if new device found

  • on_new_device – you can specify what command should it run when it founds new device

  • it can use separate dongles – one for scaning (loop scan) and one for running tools or exploits

  • send files

  • change name, class, mode, BD_ADDR of local HCI devices

  • save results in database

  • form nice statistics (uniq devices by day/hour, vendors, services etc)

  • test remote device for known vulnerabilities (see exploits for more details)

  • test remote device for unknown vulnerabilities (see tools for more details)

  • themes! you can customize it


BlueRanger is a simple Bash script which uses Link Quality to locate Bluetooth device radios. It sends l2cap (Bluetooth) pings to create a connection between Bluetooth interfaces, since most devices allow pings without any authentication or authorization. The higher the link quality, the closer the device (in theory).

Use a Bluetooth Class 1 adapter for long range location detection. Switch to a Class 3 adapter for more precise short range locating. The recision and accuracy depend on the build quality of the Bluetooth adapter, interference, and response from the remote device. Fluctuations may occur even when neither device is in motion.


A Bluetooth bluesnarfing Utility.


btscanner is a tool designed specifically to extract as much information as possible from a Bluetooth device without the requirement topair. A detailed information screen extracts HCI and SDP information,and maintains an open connection to monitor the RSSI and link quality.btscanner is based on the BlueZ Bluetooth stack, which is included withrecent Linux kernels, and the BlueZ toolset. btscanner also contains acomplete listing of the IEEE OUI numbers and class lookup tables. Usingthe information gathered from these sources it is possible to make educated guesses as to the host device type.


RedFang is a small proof-of-concept application to find non discoverable Bluetooth devices. This is done by brute forcing the last six (6) bytes of the Bluetooth address of the device and doing a read_remote_name().


Spooftooph is designed to automate spoofing or cloning Bluetooth device information. Make a Bluetooth device hide in plain site.


  • Clone and log Bluetooth device information

  • Generate a random new Bluetooth profile

  • Change Bluetooth profile every X seconds

  • Specify device information for Bluetooth interface

  • Select device to clone from scan log

Other Wireless Tools


Transmit a flood of associate requests to a target network.


Decode plaintext key ZigBee delivery from a capture file. Willprocess libpcap or Daintree SNA capture files.


A tcpdump-like tool for ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 networks


zbfind provides a GTK-based GUI to the user which displays the results of a zbstumbler-like functionality. zbfind sends beacon requests as it cycles through channels and listens for a response, adding the response to a table as well as displaying signal strength on a gauge widget.


Search a binary file to identify the encryption key for a givenSNA or libpcap IEEE 802.15.4 encrypted packet


Replay ZigBee/802.15.4 network traffic from libpcap or Daintree files


Transmit beacon request frames to the broadcast address whilechannel hopping to identify ZC/ZR devices.

RFID / NFC Tools

NFC Tools


Toolkit containing samples and various tools based on and around libnfc and crapto1, with emphasis on Mifare Classic NXP/Philips RFID cards. Special emphasis of the toolkit is on the following:

  • mifare classic weakness demonstration/exploitation

  • demonstrate use of libnfc (and ACR122 readers)

  • demonstrate use of Crapto1 implementation to confirm internal workings and to verify theoretical/practical weaknesses/attacks


MFOC is an open source implementation of “offline nested” attack by Nethemba.This program allow to recover authentication keys from MIFARE Classic card.Please note MFOC is able to recover keys from target only if it have a known key: default one (hardcoded in MFOC) or custom one (user provided using command line).


A terminal interface for working with Mifare tags.

The program is used as an interactive shell to read and write Mifaretags using libnfc and a libnfc compatible reader or to simply manipulate Mifare data dumps from files.



nfc-list is a utility for listing any available tags like ISO14443-A,FeliCa, Jewel or ISO14443-B (according to the device capabilities). Itmay detect several tags at once thanks to a mechanism called anti-collision but all types of tags don’t support anti-collision and there issome physical limitation of the number of tags the reader can discover.

This tool displays all available information at selection time.


nfc-mfclassic is a MIFARE Classic tool that allow to read or write DUMPfile using MIFARE keys provided in KEYS file.




A collection of tools and libraries for exploring RFID technology, writtenin Python.


Script that tries to select the EMV Payment Systems Directory on all inserted cards.


Try random numbers to login to sector 0


Select card and display ID


Read all sectors from a standard tag and write them back to a blank


Test IAIK TUG DemoTag


Display reader’s eeprom settings


Generate / decode FDX-B EM4x05 compliant IDs


Format value blocks on a mifare standard tag


Test frosch HTRM112 reader


Show HID Prox card type and site/id code


Brute Force hitag2 password


Reset hitag2 password


Determine ISO tag type


Test program for mifare emulation on JCOP


Set ATR History bytes on JCOP cards


JCOP card toolkit


Select card and display tag type


Attempt to login to each sector with transport keys


Calculate 3DES key for Mifare access on JCOP cards


Calculate 3DES key for Machine Readable Passport


Continuously select card and display ID


Python code for Identifying NFC cards


Switch NXP PN532 reader chip into TAG emulation mode


NXP PN532 Man-In-The_Middle – log conversations between TAG and external reader


Reset q5 tag


Read all sectors from a LFX reader


Read all sectors from a mifare standard tag


Read all sectors from a mifare tag


Read all sectors from a Ultralight tag


Read all sectors from a standard tag


CLI for rfidiot


Python code for Sending raw APDU commands


Try to find X509 data in EF.SOD


Generate / decode FDI Matalec Transit 500 and Transit 999 UIDs


Generate EM4x02 and/or UNIQUE compliant IDs


Read and then write all sectors from a LFX reader


Write all blocks on a mifare standard tag

Check http://rfidiot.org/ for more information and examples

Software Defined Radio


A graphical tool for creating signal flow graphs and generating flow-graph source code.


Gqrx is a software defined radio receiver powered by the GNU Radio SDR framework and the Qt graphical toolkit. Gqrx supports many of the SDR hardware available, including Funcube Dongles, rtl-sdr, HackRF and USRP devices.

Currently it works on Linux and Mac and supports the following devices:. Funcube Dongle Pro and Pro+ RTL2832U-based DVB-T dongles (rtlsdr via USB and TCP) OsmoSDR USRP HackRF Jawbreaker Nuand bladeRF any other device supported by the gr-osmosdr library

The latest stable version of Gqrx is 2.2, it is available for Linux, FreeBSD and Mac and it offers the following features:

  • Discover devices attached to the computer.

  • Process I/Q data from the supported devices.

  • Change frequency, gain and apply various corrections (frequency, I/Q balance).

  • AM, SSB, FM-N and FM-W (mono and stereo) demodulators.

  • Special FM mode for NOAA APT.

  • Variable band pass filter.

  • AGC, squelch and noise blankers.

  • FFT plot and waterfall.

  • Record and playback audio to / from WAV file.

  • Spectrum analyzer mode where all signal processing is disabled.


gr-scan is a program written in C++, and built upon GNU Radio, rtl-sdr, and the OsmoSDR Source Block. It is intended to scan a range of frequencies and print a list of discovered signals. It should work with any device that works with that block, including Realtek RTL2832U devices. This software was developed using a Compro U620F, which uses an E4000 tuner


Part of gr-air-modes

gr-air-modes implements a software-defined radio receiver for Mode Stransponder signals, including ADS-B reports from equipped aircraft.


A simple ADS-B decoder


A simple narrow band FM demodulator for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers


An I/Q recorder for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers


Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Download

A cross platform Python frequency scanning GUI for USB TV dongles, using the OsmoSDR rtl-sdr library.In other words a cheap, simple Spectrum Analyser.The scanner attempts to overcome the tuner’s frequency response by averaging scans from both the positive and negative frequency offets of the baseband data.


An I/Q spectrum server for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers


A benchmark tool for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers

Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cacklesas if she laid an asteroid.

— Mark Twain

Are you looking for a Windows Application that will let you hack Wi-Fi using your Laptop, whether you are at home or you are traveling, are you tired of those free Wi-Fi hacking and password revealer software that claim they can hack any Wi-Fi password only to find out they are dummy only after downloading them?


Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker

Then this post we are beneficial to you, this is because we have reviewed some of the best Wi-Fi password hacking software that is compatible with your Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 and Windows10 PC.


It’s one of the frontrunners of Wi-Fi hacking software scene & was originally developed as some special project that would work with locked wireless networks. It can help you with a number of functions like getting users list, cracking the Wi-Fi password, see each user’s movement as well as block off the unwanted users from Wi-Fi network.


It deals with various aspects concerning Wi-Fi security. It can monitor data export to the text files, replay attacks, deals with deauthentication through packet injections etc. then, it will check the Wi-Fi cards & driver capabilities as well as crack the WEP & WPA PSK.

Kismet Wireless

Kismet Wireless is a popular wirefree network detector, intrusion detection & sniffer system. It mostly deals with IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi networks yet can also tackle other networks. Its great range of features include server/client modular architecture, PCAP logging, multi capture-source support, remote sniffing as well as XML output that will help easy integration with the other tools.


inSSIDer is your ally when it comes to troubleshooting Wi-Fi issues. This Wi-Fi optimization & troubleshooting program will help you with a number of things- weak channel placement, poor signal strength, RF interference problems in 2.4 & 5 Giga Hertz bands. It comes in 2 versions- inSSIDer 4 & inSSIDer Office.


This is another major wi fi hacker software program that has been highly rated by the users. This wireless LAN program can crack the encryption keys efficiently on the 802.11b WEP Wi-Fi networks. The software operates through passive monitoring of the transmissions, computing encryption key while adequate packets are gathered.


Wireshark is quite a big name here and comes with multiple amazing features. These include deep inspection on numerous protocols, handy 3-pane packet browser, live capture & offline analysis, multi platform running capacity, enriched VoIP analysis, reading/writing of various capture file versions etc. In other words it offers you a deep insight on the network.


This list would be incomplete without the mention of WepAttack. Just as the name suggests, it’s a powerful tool that will help you to launch a sizeable attack on the WEP keys of the WLAN networks. The users are really happy with the software and many of them have tagged it as one of the best for cracking passwords.

Wi-Fi Hacking Software for Various Platforms

Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Real-time

You should know here that there are different email address management software applications for various platforms. The one you would be going for must complement your system’s specific OS. Not all such software applications would work for all operating systems and you have some software programs that specifically work for Windows or Android or Mac.

Free Windows Wifi Hacking Software – OmniPeek

If you are looking for a good free Windows Wifi hacking software, OmniPeek is a great choice. It’s an award winning network analyzer & packet sniffer application that captures & analyzes the wireless traffic. The tool is equipped to work with several networking interface cards. You will also get help on network troubleshooting.

Free Android Wifi Hacking Software – Black Wi-Fi Hacker

When it comes to reliable Free Android wifi hacking software, Black Wi-Fi Hacker Plus is a good option no doubt. The software is designed to crack Wi-Fi networks locally, assuring a seamless access for you to the network. The program supports multi encryption types such as WPA, WPA2, WEP or CCMP/AES encryption.

Free Mac Wifi Hacking Software – KisMAC

Those in search of free Mac Wifi hacking software, KisMAC would be a nice choice. It’s an open-source Wi-Fi scanner/stumbler application, which, unlike other regular Wi-Fi hacker software applications, uses passive scanning & monitor mode. The program reveals closed or cloaked or hidden SSIDs, shows the logged in users, helps with PCAP import & export etc.

Most Popular Wifi Hacking Software for 2016 – Wi-Fi Hacker

You are getting a very simple, user-friendly yet powerful Wi-Fi hacking software here. It would quickly search out the local available Wi-Fi network & connect you to it so that you can bypass the locked Wi-Fi route in moments. It is virus free & gets updated just automatically, making things simpler for you.

When it comes to most popular Wifi hacking software for 2016, you can opt for Wi-Fi Hacker .The user-friendly software program is well equipped to hack both WPA & WPA2 as well as WEP and promises you good support against the WPS attack. Its virus-free nature is one of the main reasons for its popularity today.

Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Free

What is Wi-Fi Hacking Software?


A Wi-Fi hacking software is a software program that will primarily enable you to crack Wi-Fi password of a nearby network. These software programs are designed to work for WPA, WPA2 and WEP. Some of them are open-source applications and work as good network analyzer as well as packet sniffer.

The best ones are guarded against the WPS attack. A good lot of Wi-Fi hacker software applications are meant to help with Wi-Fi troubleshooting issues. In simple words, these software programs are your key to Wi-Fi internet freedom where you won’t need to ask for the permission of the network administrator to access the desired router.

How to Install Wi-Fi Hacking Software?

To install Wi-Fi hacking software, you have to go to the chosen software’s link to download it. However, before you download, just make sure that the software program actually complements your specific operating system. When you download it, you will get the installation link that will come up with a complete guide on installing the application.

Benefits of Wi-Fi Hacking Software

Many a times, we find ourselves in places where we desperately need the Wi-Fi for an urgent communication or quick internet search but we cannot access the local router given no knowledge of the password. In such situations, the Wi-Fi hacking software is just a bliss.

Such software applications would immediately crack the Wi-Fi password for you, in most of the cases of any strength, so that you can freely access the internet. The software program would also be helpful for network auditors and penetration testers who have to verify security of the WPA guarded wireless networks, break document encryption and crack the password hashes.

The Wi-Fi hacker software applications would be helpful when you are looking to check what’s going on with the Wi-Fi network of your organization and what the users are doing with the network. All such software applications are really easy to operate and your primary computing skills would be enough here.

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